

About Professions

There are a total of 7 professions, which can be selected at the Town Hall. You can take on more than one profession at the same time, but each additional profession will cost extra. The cost is 0 for the first one, 500 for the second, 10,000 for the third, 30,000 for the fourth, 50,000 for the fifth, 150,000 for the sixth, and a whopping 500,000 for the seventh.

CookMaster the art of cooking with homegrown ingredients.
BrewerMaster the art of brewing with homegrown ingredients.
Treasure HunterMaster the art of treasure hunting and crafting replica pirate gear.
Blacksmith⭐⭐Master the art of blacksmith with resources from caves.
Fisherman⭐⭐Master the art of fishing and cooking seafood.
Jewelrycrafter⭐⭐⭐Master the art of jewelry crafting with resources from caves.
Archaeologist💀💀💀Master the art of finding and repairing ancient artifacts from temples.