Repairing the Cable Car

Repairing the Cable Car


Cable Car near Town Hall
The Cable Car near Town Hall allows you to access The Mountain once repaired, but to do so, you will first need to head to The Forest to gather the necessary materials. Most of the required items are standard, easily obtainable materials, but two items, the Cogwheel and Cable for the cable car, are key items.
The Cogwheel can be found on the beach deep in The Forest, while the Cable can be purchased at The Town’s General store. The Cable is relatively expensive (20,000), so make sure to save up both materials and money in advance.
Note that you won’t be able to purchase the Cable from the General store unless you have completed the quest to repair the store after the earthquake. For more information on repairing the store, please refer to this page.

Items Required for Repair

  • Iron Bar x10
  • Silk Rope x25
  • Forest Stone Block x25
  • Forest Resin x20
  • Cable for a cable car x1
  • Cogwheel x1